Map & Directions
Directions to North Country Lodge
North Country Lodge is located in the North Maine Woods, northeast of Maine’s Baxter State Park and the Maine Woods National Monument.
But, how do you get to us? Simple…Just push ‘Directions’ on the map below, and you will then be able to enter your address for directions.
That will give you directions right to our front door, and your next hunting vacation!
Driving From Boston, Connecticut and points south:
- Take I95 and/or I495 though Mass to Portsmouth, New Hampshire
- Follow Interstate 95 North into Maine (aka, mile 0)
- Continue on I-95 North to Sherman, Exit 264 (aka, mile 264)
[for Portland and Freeport (LLBean’s location), divert off I-95 onto I-295, continue North and I-95 will rejoin I-95] - Take exit 264 for ME-158 toward ME-11
- Follow ME-11 N through Patten
- Continue to your destination in Moro (21 miles from I-95)
Driving From Bangor International Airport
- Enter I-95 North from Union Street
- Continue on I-95 North to Sherman, Exit 264 (80 miles)
[for Portland and Freeport (LLBean’s location), divert off I-95 by following I-295] - Take exit 264 for ME-158 toward ME-11
- Follow ME-11 N through Patten
- Continue to your destination in Moro (21 miles from I-95)