‘Hunting’ Posts

When Al took his guides advise and slowly hunted into his tree stand. He discovered a big black bear with his surprise. With a hunters eye and a keen sense, AL raised his weapon and took deadly aim on the unexpected black bear. While we are hunting in the wilds we are reminded to always be prepared for the unexpected. congratulations Al!!

The fall Black Bear hunt is an excellent time to pursuit the great Black Bear. With the worm days and cool nights the bears are concentrating on eating enough food to get through the winter. These are ideal conditions for the fall bear hunt as Eric found out.

Master Maine Guide, guides hunter (Leo) to another Maine Black Bear. It takes months of preparation in the field along with a tremendous amount of labor before the Bear hunt even starts. This is the secret to North Country Lodge’s Bear hunting success.

Maine’s Black Bear hunting is a great hunt. It is even better when it is your birthday. Spencer bagged this beautiful Black Bear on his birthday. This guided bear hunt that North Country Lodge offers is a great birthday present. Congratulations Spencer!

On Maine’s youth day Black Bear hunt Camden and his grand father Jim with great determination went to the hunting grounds to pursue the Maine Black Bear. With patience and guidance from Jim, Camden raised his rifle and placed his bead on this trophy Black Bear and put it to rest. This was a hunt Camden will never forget.

North Country Lodge Master Maine guide (Bert Goodman) guided Dale on a trophy Maine moose hunt of a lifetime! This hunt was located in zone 5 in northern Maine during the moose rutting season. Bert called in this beautiful bull moose with a combination of bull calls and cow calls. The result was a 56″ trophy bull moose!
Maine Moose Hunts

For more information visit our moose hunting page.

This Outfitters Tag has been sold!

Moose lottery draw winners welcome to hunt with us.

North Country Lodge has a Maine outfitter moose tag available along with a fully guided hunt. This tag is in a premier hunting zone and is a bull tag.

Hank explains all of the details in the video.  Sit back and enjoy!

Trophy Maine Bull Moose
Trophy Moose at North Country Lodge


Okay, so we all know about the coyote and the trouble they cause.  But, how much is your state doing to control them?  I am happy to say that the people and organizations of Maine are doing their best.  From night hunting to the trapping season to winter bait hunting around designated deer yards.  In the past few months the coyote situation has been top priority in Maine.  There is the average hunter doing his part and there are organizations like the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine, Maine Trapper’s Association and the Maine Professional Guide’s Association.  Not only are they killing coyotes they are also educating hunters through seminars and DVDs on where and when to do this.  It is one thing to take a coyote, but it is another to take a coyote at the right time of year and location.  This is the best way to cut back on their breeding or to decrease the pack during the winter.  I am starting to see clubs putting on more hunting tournaments now than I have ever seen in the past.  We have to say that the eastern coyote is truly an amazing animal with the ability to survive anywhere.  But, putting that aside they have to be controlled.  I am happy to say that the sportsmans of Maine are finally taking a step forward in the right direction.  We all have to do our part.

Happy Hunting!


Teresa Hodge – 2009

Hi Everyone,

One of the most important questions  that we get from our hunters is “What are the laws on transporting my guns across state lines?”.  So, for those of you that are not familiar with federal laws on transporting firearms check out this NRA website for more information.

Here at North Country Lodge our hunters have come from around the world including – Germany, Mexico, Norway and Canada.   And, of course just about every state.  Just this past 2009 season we have had some great people hunting with us from California, Florida and our good friend Teresa Hodge from Texas.  Teresa made her way from Texas to Maine in the third week of the hunting season and was thrilled to harvest her first black bear with us.

Check out our 2009 black bear gallery .

For those of you that harvested a bear with us in 2008 and participated in the Bear Aging Program with the Inland Fish and Wildlife Department of Maine.  Check out their report.  It’s studies like this that will only increase our outstanding population of Black Bears.

So we invite you to join us at North Country Lodge on your next hunting trip.

Happy Hunting,


Join us for the Fall 2024 Black Bear Hunt

North Country Lodge
P.O. Box 227
Patten ME, 04765

Telephone: 207.528.2320

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    Hunting with North Country Lodge